
  • Finding the Light: A Beginner’s Guide to Capturing Stunning Photos with Natural Light

    Today, we’re diving into one of the most crucial aspects of photography: light. Whether you’re shooting portraits, landscapes, or anything in between, understanding how to work with light is essential for creating breathtaking photos. I can still remember the first time I took photos of my babies at golden hour instead of mid day after their morning nap, looked at the pic on the back of my camera and went…

  • The Bluebell by Camillia Courts

    Hey there, wonderful readers! Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to introduce myself and give you a peek behind the curtains of The Bluebell. I’m Camillia Courts, the woman behind this little corner of the internet. So, who am I, you ask? Well, I’m a believer all things beautiful and creative. But above all, I’m here to share my passion for photography, fashion, travel, gardening, and vintage finds with all of you.…

  • The “Nifty Fifty” and How it Can Change Your Photography Style

    The “nifty fifty” holds a special place in many photographers’ hearts due to its simplicity, affordability, and remarkable capabilities. It was the first lens I purchased in 2008 because I’d heard it was a “must” in any photographer’s arsenal-and they were right. The 50mm 1.8f lens changed my entire photography style and I became obsessed with its features. Suddenly I felt like a REAL photographer and people started responding to…