The “Nifty Fifty” and How it Can Change Your Photography Style

The “nifty fifty” holds a special place in many photographers’ hearts due to its simplicity, affordability, and remarkable capabilities. It was the first lens I purchased in 2008 because I’d heard it was a “must” in any photographer’s arsenal-and they were right. The 50mm 1.8f lens changed my entire photography style and I became obsessed with its features. Suddenly I felt like a REAL photographer and people started responding to my photos. Many years later I still recommend it to beginners.

Remember this is a Prime lens, meaning it doesn’t zoom in and out like your stock lens. It’s a fixed focal length. As I like to joke “You have to zoom with your feet!” (ie: walk closer or farther away!)


Wide Aperture (f/1.8): The lens boasts an impressive maximum aperture of f/1.8. This wide opening allows more light to enter the camera, making it ideal for low-light conditions and achieving that beautiful background blur (bokeh). Perfect for portrait photography!

Compact and Lightweight: The 50mm f/1.8 lens is small, lightweight, and easy to carry. It won’t weigh you down during long photo walks or travel adventures.

Sharpness and Image Quality: Despite its affordability, this lens delivers remarkable sharpness and image quality. It’s a significant upgrade from most kit and stock lenses.

Versatility: The 50mm focal length is considered “normal” on full-frame cameras and slightly “short telephoto” on crop-sensor cameras. It’s great for portraits, street photography, food shots, and more.

Price: The Canon Nifty Fifty is an affordable beginner lens considering the cost of lenses (Nikon jumps to $250). If the $170CDN price tag is a little out of your range, check FB Marketplace or any photographer swap FB pages and sites. Often professionals upgrade to the 50mm 1.4 and the 1.8f ends up collecting dust and space in their bags.

Tips for Using the 50mm f/1.8 Lens

Now, let’s explore some practical tips to maximize the potential of your 50mm lens:

Avoid Shooting Wide Open All the Time: While that f/1.8 aperture is tempting, don’t fall into the trap of shooting everything wide open. The depth of field becomes extremely narrow, making precise focus challenging. Experiment with different apertures (e.g., f/2.8 or f/4) to find the sweet spot.

Focus on Composition: Use the 50mm lens to focus on composition. Pay attention to leading lines, symmetry, and framing. The lens’s simplicity encourages you to think creatively.

Portraits with Creamy Bokeh: For stunning portraits, shoot wide open (f/1.8) and focus on your subject’s eyes. The creamy bokeh in the background will make your subject pop.

Get Closer to Your Subject: The 50mm lens shines when you get up close. Fill the frame with your subject, whether it’s a person, flower, or everyday object.

Use the Rule of Thirds: Compose your shots using the rule of thirds. Place your subject off-center for a more dynamic and visually pleasing image.

Practice Patience: The 50mm f/1.8 lens rewards patience. Take your time to compose, focus accurately, and wait for the right moment.

The 50mm f/1.8 lens is a budget-friendly powerhouse that can transform your photography. Embrace its simplicity, experiment, and capture moments with clarity and artistry. Whether you’re shooting portraits, street scenes, or everyday life, this lens will surprise you with its capabilities.

So grab your camera, attach that nifty fifty, and go create magic

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