
  • Building Your Photography Kit

    If you’re just starting out in photography, chances are you’ve got a camera and a standard kit lens. While you’re out there snapping away, you might be wondering why your shots aren’t quite hitting that pro level you see from others. Well, it’s probably time to think about upgrading some of your gear, especially from that basic kit lens to something the pros would recommend. But let’s be real, building…

  • The “Nifty Fifty” and How it Can Change Your Photography Style

    The “nifty fifty” holds a special place in many photographers’ hearts due to its simplicity, affordability, and remarkable capabilities. It was the first lens I purchased in 2008 because I’d heard it was a “must” in any photographer’s arsenal-and they were right. The 50mm 1.8f lens changed my entire photography style and I became obsessed with its features. Suddenly I felt like a REAL photographer and people started responding to…